Good morning, Curvy Sewing Collective! If you’ve missed our monthly sewing roundups, I have excellent news. Not only are the roundups returning, but we’re moving to a simpler format. Instead of using Flickr to share our projects each month, we’re officially switching to Instagram. We’re hoping this change will allow for even more community participation in this beloved series.
So, how do you get involved? It’s easier than ever! Post your garment photo on Instagram, let us know what pattern you used, and tag it with #CSCMakes. At the end of each month, we’ll compile your makes into one awesome post of curvy inspiration. As with our Flickr roundups, you can participate even without an Instagram account. Just send your garment photos and details to, then we’ll include them in the roundup. (Note: If you have a private Instagram account, you will want to go this route, since your photos won’t show up in the main feed.)
What are you waiting for, lovelies? Start sharing your creativity with #CSCMakes today!
Hi, I’m so excited to have come across your website! Is it too late to get involved with sending my sewn garments for my plus size girlies?
Excellent news!!
This is a very awesome change!!! Now I feel like I can actually participate, and I may very well do so more often! Thank you! Great choice!
Woot! Way easier for moi!
Can’t wait to see all your makes on isnta!