Welcome to Swimwear Month at the Curvy Sewing Collective!
We here at the Curvy Sewing Collective know all too well how swimsuit season can be fraught with angst and anxiety for so many reasons, particularly for curvy ladies. And swimsuit sewing, which has some unique techniques and material requirements, can add to the intimidation factor. That’s why we thought a comprehensive Swimwear Month would help us dive in (har har) and tackle sewing swimsuits and cover-ups so we can all feel confident at our machines and then on the beach…
We’ve got a schedule jam-packed with fun and informative posts that we hope will provide you with and point you to all the tools and techniques you need to sew yourself some stunning swimwear. We also hope this is a chance to kickstart the conversation on curvy swimwear sewing through the comments, our forum and the CSC’s private Flickr group, where you can post swimwear pics without the whole world seeing them.
Let’s get this party started! Feel free to grab the CSC Swimwear Month badge below to get the word out on your blog and join in the Swimwear Month fun by tagging your photos on social media with #CurvySewingCollective, #CSCSwimwearMonth and #sewcurvyswimwear!
I actually reviewed the Nautilus swimsuit here on CSC last summer. Go back to take a look if you are interested.
A great review and great swimsuit, Elaine! I pointed people towards your review in the swimsuit pattern round-up!