Hi everyone! I’m Laquana and I’m super excited to share how I sew for my curves.
What are your measurements/body shape?
Upper Bust: 42”
Bust: 46”
Waist: 39”
Hips: 49”
Bra Size: 40DDD
Height 5’9”
Typical Pattern Size: 22/24
Typical RTW size: 18/20
Body Shape: Rectangle/ Figure 8
What adjustments do you typically make when sewing?
- Height adjustment, I usually add 3” to skirts and 1.5” to pants
- Lower bust darts (usually 1.5” to 2”) My DDD’s are no longer perky!
- Forward shoulder and Sloping shoulder adjustment, thanks to bad posture and a desk job, I make a 5/8” adjustment.
- Hollow chest adjustment thanks to my forward shoulders
- Sway back adjustment, I usually make a 5/8” to ¾” adjustment (baby got back).
- I have to grade up on bottoms as I usually fall outside size 24 on patterns depending on the built in ease.
- Bicep adjustment, I usually add 1.5” to 2 ”, My guns are pretty big.
- Sleeve length, I usually add an inch.
Whew, that’s a lot!
What are your favorite/go-to styles and sewing patterns?
Skirts and Dresses are my favorite and go to for patterns and garments. I love the feminine look of a dress and the ease of construction. As an advanced beginner, I’m working on perfecting pants, but skirts and dresses are a lot easier so in the past, they have been my go to. Also, I’m super lazy and dresses, especially knit dress that don’t require ironing are my favorite things to wear! Now that I’m challenging myself, I’ve made more separates and I’ve ventured into pants/shorts. My style is best categorized as classic functional chic with pops of color and print.
I’m not the only person who loves this pattern and I’ve made it numerous time and each time, I’ve done something completely different in fabric choice and overall construction/design/styling. I’ve made M6886 as is and I’ve hacked it to make it an off the shoulder long tunic. I love this pattern!
The only pattern I can sew with minor tweaking right out the package. My forward shoulders prevent me from making most tops without adjustments, but not having to do a bust adjustment and sway back adjustment, I love that! I also really enjoy the interactive community and tutorials/sewalongs, win, win!
Cashmerette Concord T-Shirt hack:
Clockwise: Cashmerette Upton Dress, Cashmerette Springfield Tops
I love the ability to use a pattern and garment in many different ways, dressing it up or down and having workhorse pieces in my closet. I love a structured statement jacket and high low tops, they both add visual interest to an outfit and they add a little something fun to what I’m wearing.
As a relatively new sewist, I try everything! Patterns are fair game because I don’t know what will work unless I match up fabric and styling. In saying that, I’m super picky and hyper sensitive about fit. I’ll try any style, but the fit has to be spot on and flattering. What I’ve done is take what I own and mix and match them with what I’ve made. I love belts, jewelry, jackets, shoes and they help me to make a look work. I always look for patterns with simple lines and fabric withbold prints so I can use a basic pattern to make something seem more complicated than it really is. I love African prints, florals and bold solids.
Wrap Dresses:
A woman can’t go wrong with a wrap dress! Wrap dresses are universally flattering and fun to wear. They come in woven, knits, long, short, collared, mock wrap, full wrap, the list goes on! These are two of my favorites, Simplicity 1653 (left) and McCalls 6884 (right).
African Prints:
I promise I didn’t get a bolt of this on sale, I just love the look of the Kente print and I went a little overboard. I love African prints and although I have lots of the same print, I have a few more pieces I just can’t seem to cut into. I really can’t choose a print or pattern most times and there are so many to choose from! (L to R: Cashmerette Springfield Top, Simplicity 8138, Butterick 5211, McCalls 7100)
My glam duster is one of my favorite makes. It was such a simple make, lengthening the cardigan and using a fabulous fabric created this one of a kind statement piece.
I’ve made this pattern three times and I’m still working on perfecting it. I love the look of these pants and I think they are flattering and they have lots of potential. Pants with great drape or from fitting tend to work best for me because I like the overall silhouette. I used Simplicity 8389 to make these pants and I’m currently working on my first pair of jeans.
Sewing plans:
I have over 600 patterns (don’t judge me) and right now, I’m going back through my wearable muslins and perfecting some of those garments, in many instances remaking them. My goal is get some basic layering functional pieces that I can mix and match. Perfecting my pants and tailored shirts are some of my goals along with just having a good time sewing. In the past, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy on trendy pieces that were not functional so my goal is to get some things in my closet that will get lots of wear.
I think when it’s all said and done, everything is fair game if you’re comfortable in it and it fits our lifestyle! I enjoy sewing for myself, and I enjoy trying new things so I plan to work on gowns, coats, pants, couture, etc… Whatever I sew, it needs to fit into my lifestyle and I need to be comfortable in it. I pick fabrics with a nice drape and fabrics that are comfortable with great designs and colors. I then work on patterns that are balanced and fit within my goals of having a functional wardrobe. My goal is not to look “smaller” but to look stylish, balanced, appealing, put together and intentional.
You are one of my favorite sewers. I love your style and the vibrancy of your clothes. It’s so nice to see you featured. =)
Love your style. You have nailed any fit issues you have – every item looks lovely on you.
So good to see you here Laquana! This is such a great collection of your work. Your style is so fun, and you always look so polished even if you’re in really comfortable styles. That duster is SWEET, and the stars dress with the turquoise Converse is my favorite. I didn’t tell you, but I totally bought myself a pair of peach Converse after I saw that dress come up on SMT. I need to give them a try with a knit dress!
Yay! My body measurement double! I am just beginning my journey to 600 makes, (no judgement here- just admiration) and really appreciate seeing your list of alterations. Just made my first knit top and realized I will need the forward slope adjustment even with knits. There sure is a lot to learn but seeing you confidently wearing the stylish clothes you chose is all the reminder I need to keep going.
You really have a good eye to see exactly how to style your sewing to enhance your figure to its best advantage. The hemlines and sleeve lengths hit just right, and nothing puckers or gaps. If you think you are sewing simple styles, then you’re doing everything right to make them look complex and perfect!!
Love your style, commitment to a lovely fit & finish and most of all your use of colour & print, very inspiring 🙂
Love it!!
Nice work… all of the outfits look really good. Everything is stylish and coordinated…you have a gift.
Nice collection! I love to see how you work with your shape to create so many great looks.
Wow! You make such beautiful and fun pieces and I love your humor about all the adjustments you make! Thanks for sharing.
You are so stylish and all your clothes seem to speak to who you are. That’s what I try to do as well!
Thanks for sharing!
I love your styles and all of your dresses! I live in dresses so I can’t get enough of seeing what other dresses people are making! You look great in these fabrics!
You are officially my style crush! I love love love everything you have shown here! WOWZA~!!! <3
I love the idea of looking “intentional.” I’ve been thinking about personal style a lot lately and that really resonates with me.
You look fantastic in everything you make!
I have nothing profound to add except that I agree with all comments and strive to be as good a seamstress.
You have done a great job. I have sewn for many years and I am like you, I would love to see a complete wardrobe. Unfortunately, material is outrageous and so are patterns unless you can get them on sale. I really admire the way you have made the same pattern with different variations. You look fantastic. God bless and keep up the great work.
Wow, you are one stylish and well put together lady. Your outfits are amazing. They should have used you as the model on that McCall’s pattern. Your make that dress look SO much more appealing than the girl they featured. Keep on inspiring us!
Great post and I have to say I LOVE your last look and it has inspired me. I keep thinking about making a button down shirt but haven’t gotten around to it because I’m not sure I’d wear one much (in the traditional way). And just this morning I was struggling with what to layer with a tunic and leggings now that the weather has cooled off. The button down shirt over the knit dress is so cute that I’m going to have to copy you!! Thanks for sharing.
Amazing ,, Please give yourself credit for being a beautiful seamstress,,,, your finishing skills are excellent,you can only see perfection.
I have been sewing for close to ,,ugh well I was 10 when I started.. I took any and all sewing classes I could! I was great in school homec,,and took night school sewing classes,, with 3 young children I did a lot of sewing,,such as lingerie, bathing suits, graduation gowns, home decorating,,I could go on.. I took too many years off of sewing and now feel rather scrambled when I start back up?
Keep up your amazing work, you are a very beautiful and kind woman, sharing your work is commendable.
You do an excellent job on alterations & fitting!
Love your style and creativity!
“My goal is not to look “smaller” but to look stylish, balanced, appealing, put together and intentional.”
Well said, and youve succeeded wonderfully. You inspire me with your confidence.
I love your style! And the pattern choices you’ve shown look TERRIFIC on you! Thanks for sharing BOTH your favorite patterns and pictures of how you’ve recreated them. Lots of practical ideas.
I love your style. Very inspirational read. 😍
You have a gift for sewing that’s for sure! That totally justifies having over 600 patterns! Thank you for sharing such a wide variety of your talents! I agree that Cashmerette patterns are the only patterns I can use and know they’ll fit!! Yeah for them! I just wish they had more patterns for the 60+ crowd! ;o)
So delighted to see your article. Not only do you have great fashion sense but we could almost share a dressmaking form right down to the forward shoulders so I can get a better idea of how those garments would suit me. Thanks!
I can’t stand it! You are one fabulous woman. Beautiful, sassy and SO inspiring. Appreciate all that you wrote and your photos of gorgeous YOU!!
Thanks for a great picture story. You have already achieved your goals of good fit and style for your lifestyle. Your adjustment tips are very useful.
I wish I lived around the corner from you, I would be your sewing friend. I love your description. This is one of the blog posts that I will save for reference. Thank you.
Oh I just love everything you have made & shown us here! You have such a good eye and fashion sense too. You are an inspiration!
Quana, I love your style! You are the “picture” of confidence! I hope we hear from you again soon.
Picture of confidence!!! That was spot on!!!
I loved your comment “My goal is not to look “smaller” but to look stylish, balanced, appealing, put together and intentional.” It hit home because that articulates what I hope for, too. You look fabulous and have enviable style. Please come and dress me!
This is just the comment I planned to make too!
I always love your creations because they look so great on you and fit your personality! It was interesting to read about all the adjustments you make because that is where I have a hard time (I miss the old days when I could just cut out a pattern and go!). Do you have a link to the sloping shoulder, forward shoulder and hollow chest adjustments? I know this would be a big help for me!
Thank you for your kind words! Here are the tutorials I use, I hope they are helpful:
Laquana You have an amazing sense of yourself. That purple top and print pants are dynamite. As I look though this page all of your choices appear to be right on target. I would like that to happen. My measurements are very close to yours but I lack about 10″ inches in height. makes a big difference. Keep up the good work. I envy you.
Laquana, everything you said in this post I resonated with but your final statement re your goals in dressing was the icing on the cake 🙂 , “My goal is not to look “smaller” but to look stylish, balanced, appealing, put together and intentional.” That is EXACTLY how I would describe my goals in dressing and what drives my sewing plans. Love your makes – you meet your goals to a tee 😉
Thanks for sharing your sewing story. I love your makes. I agree with the comment above, you must be way beyond advanced beginner! I consider myself an advanced beginner and I haven’t made half the cool stuff you have! Happy sewing!
I’m so impressed with your style and talent in fitting your clothes. It’s hard to fit a plus size with all of our bulges and dents…lol. You look very stylish and put together. Keep up the great sewing.
Hi Laquana,
You have a great sense of style! You make amazing clothes and all your looks are very flattering and tasteful. Considering how many alterations you have to make, everything seems to fit perfectly. Your post is very encouraging and motivating to all of us curvy sewists. Thank you for sharing!
What makes everything look so wonderful is the fit. I’ve been sewing for many years and I have not accomplished the great fit that you have. And it all looks so polished and clean.
I think you are pretty advanced, compared to me! You know what looks good and have an excellent taste in what looks classy and fashionable!
I think you are WAY beyond an advanced beginner !