Hello everyone,
My name is Rosie, I’m English, 35, obsessed with wearing all the colours all the time and I blog at Sparkleneedles. I’m the newbie round these parts, and am deeply honoured to be an editor at one of my all time favourite websites, the CSC.
I have been sewing for about a year now on a bright blue £99 sewing machine. I can’t actually believe that I have found a hobby that has lasted for more than a month. But sewing appears to have taken over my life and I don’t mind one bit. Jenny asked me to join the CSC to add a beginner sewist’s perspective, so you won’t get any great tutorials from me about how to do a perfect welt pocket (though I can tell you all about how to make a dodgy wonky one) but you will get honest appraisals of how doable patterns are for an adventurous beginner, and plenty of articles of me opining on various subjects pertinent to the world of curvy sewing.
In my non sewing life (which I try to minimise as much as possible), I live in London with my husband Robin who takes all my photos and occasionally poses poutily for ones I take. I work in heritage and am passionate about politics, being cheerful and biscuits.
In terms of style I have been described as a ‘children’s TV presenter at a rave’ but I do sometimes try to make things that I might be able to wear at work. I also often fail at this aim, and go to work in a neon pink dress coloured in yellow hot air balloons with green tights and red shoes. My colleagues are very tolerant.
I’m very keen to be a responsive editor, so do get in touch with anything you would like to see featured on the CSC.
Rosie, I am big girl at the moment but I have been smaller over the years. I love to sew my own clothes whatever my size but have found it difficult to a have good range attractivecurrent patterns gauged to fit bigger sizes which has forced me to just resize old fave patterns from my smaller days which at times it gets to be very ‘last century’ to look at me even in newly made togs………until NOWADAYS when people like you are putting out blogs which inspire me to update myself and my sewing. More power to you 🙂
Awesome. Definitely go and explore the new patterns out there, some of them are so fantastic!
I’m an old girl from Australia in reasonable working order. I’m a thinker and it takes time. Most often the time taken thinking completely erodes any doing time. So not much actual sewing is achieved. But here at the base of the mountains lives Kylie, Queen of the Cloth, and she’s a dream interpreter and she does it for money. It’s a perfect arrangement for me. I shall love reading your words Rosie. This morning they made me smile and that’s a good way to start any day.
I have also been sewing full steam for about a year now, and its great that budding, curvy seamstresses like myself are also now being represented at the CSC! Yay! I like your style and I can already see that your contributions here are going to be great fun to read!
Thanks so much!
Welcome, Rosie! I share your love of politics and biscuits. There’s nothing like a good milk coffee or a tic toc with a cuppa.
It is so exciting to me as someone who has been sewing for more than 50 years to see that the younger generations are so excited about what I am passionate about…….sewing!
Welcome to you. I look forward to the youthful fearlessness of a new sewer. There is no where to go but to improve and get better.
What a lovely reply, thank you! I hope I am still sewing in fifty years time!
Cute clothes, love your culottes, do they still call them that, Love orange.
They do call them that and they are still awesome!
Hi Rosie, love your style! I also think that if anyone comes out with a descriptor like that, you’ve won. It’s awesome. Childrens TV presenter, rave, what’s not to love!
Thanks so much!
Hello Rosie! What does “working in heritage” mean? And can we please have a pattern for that terrific red dress? Thanks, Rachel
That’s the Greenstyle Laurel, reviewed here: http://wp1094.hostgator.com/~waezmq0ac6rs/pattern-review-giveaway-greenstyle-laurel/.
Same question here. No idea what heritage means in this context 🙂