Hello and welcome to our February Flickr parade!
February sure did fly by, didn’t it? I know I planned on sewing a few more things this month, but a project I started early in the month took up most of my sewing time, so I didn’t make it down as far on my sewing list as I had planned to. You certainly can’t tell that it was short month when you look at all of these fantastic garments. All I can say is WOW! Our ladies of the CSC sure have been outdoing themselves this month!
Look at these foxy ladies in their knit dresses!

[left to right: v-neck Colette Moneta by Two Random Words; Made by Rae Washi dress by Art Bella; Style Arc Jessica dress by Busy Lizzie; McCalls 6884 by Cashmerette; McCall’s 6713 by G Marie]
And all of these lovely and unique knit tops!

[Top row from left to right: Jennifer Lauren lace Bronte by Parenting Like a Grown Up; Style Arc Demi Drape top by Cashmerette; The Sewing Workshop Liberty tee shirt by Elaine; Patterns for Pirate Layer Me Up tee by Wining Wife. Bottom row from left tor right: Patterns for Pirates Layer Me Up tee by Wining Wife; Colette Moneta sweater by Morven’s Handmades; Muse Jenna cardi by Cookin’ and Craftin‘; Ottobre tee shirt by Elaine.]
I just love all of this stylish array of woven tops!

[clockwise from left: Gertie’s Portrait Blouse by Monserratt; Deer and Doe Airelle by DucknDam; The Sewing Workshop Liberty shirt by Elaine; Simplicity 1660 by Busy Lizzie; Kayla Kennington Angel top by Thinkingcapp; Named Winona shirt by Cookin’ and Craftin‘; True Bias Sutton by DucknDam; April Rhodes Staple top by Small Seams]
It’s always great to add some lounge and active wear patterns to your sewing list!

[left to right: Craftsy “Sewing with Knits” class hoodie by Shirley; Vogue 1141 top and Colette Seamwork Manila leggings by Parenting like a Grownup;
Duckndam sure has been busy sewing lingerie!

[top: Oh LuLu Grace panties; bottom: Colette Seamwork Florence bralette]
These ladies are getting us ready for our CSC Trouser Challenge! Have you been sewing some trousers (or trouser type garments) this month?

[left to right: Lekala linen flap front pants by Would I Wear it in Paris?; Megan Nielsen Tania culottes by Deadly Craft; Closet Case Files Ginger Jeans by Pudge & Nico;
I just love both of these gorgeous jackets!

[left to right: My Image magazine Spring 2014 jacket by Elaine; McCall’s 5759 cashmere jacket by Would I Wear it in Paris?]
How do you like this marvelous collection of skirts?

[clockwise from left: McCall’s 6931 by Cashmerette; Paprika Jade skirt by Cookin’ and Craftin‘; self-drafted Polly skirt by Make it Nifty; Butterick 5929 by Cashmerette; Seamster Honeydew skirt by Elaine; self-drafted 3/4 circle skirt by Idle Fancy; self-drafted denim skirt by Would I Wear it in Paris?; Sewaholic Rae skirt by Sharon; New Look 6274 skirt by Parenting Like a Grownup; Sewaholic Hollyburn by Cookin’ and Craftin‘; Colette Mabel by Mommylap]
As always, we can’t get enough of all the pretty dresses here at the CSC!

[From left to right, top row: Simplicity 1459 by GMarie; Simplicity 1620 by Parenting Like a Grownup; Tessuti Pia dress by Busy Lizzie; Vogue 8787 and Vogue 8667 mashup by Morven’s Handmades; Decades Everyday ESP Star Trek dress by Mrs. Hughes; Decades of Style Dorothy Lara dress by Mrs. Hughes; Decades Everyday ESP Nanette Lepore dress by Mrs. Hughes. Middle row: By Hand London Anna and BlueGingerDoll Odette mashup by Morven’s Handmades; Simplicity 2174 by Busy Lizzie. Bottom row: Butterick 6055 by Shawn; self-drafted dress by Sewing in the Shade; By Hand London Elisalex by Alison; Vintage Vogue 2267 by Andrea; modified Simplicity 1803 by Morven’s Handmades]
Yes, Mimi always makes me feel inferior with the garments she sews every month. She just completed a Victorian ensemble for a ball and look how exquisite these pieces are?
Do you want to be a part of the fun? Join our Flickr group!
Note: I can only include names of patterns if the Flickr user adds them to their photo’s description.
Hi, do you have to do anything other than join the flickr group and post a photo to be included in the parade?
No. Everyone who posts a public photo in our flickr group is included in our monthly flickr posts. There are deadlines at the end of the month for submissions.
Your pants will be in the Trouser challenge photo roundup
I love this group! Such an inspiration.
A wonderful array of items. Some great inspiration there.
I was asked to participate in a local Victorian fashion show/festival on the 21st! So I am busy whipping up an 1880s bustle afternoon dress. Whew!
Thanks! 🙂