Welcome to the next edition of CSC Sewing Spaces. Today we’re visiting Carolyn’s sewing room.
Tell us a little about your sewing space.
My sewing room is my refuge, a little piece of heaven on earth! I call it the “Sewing Cave” because it’s in the basement with no natural light but I’ve placed enough light around it that it’s bright enough to sew in even in the middle of the night. It’s definitely not one of those Pinterest pretty sewing rooms that we all are attracted to! It’s also packed with storage since I store everything I use to sew with there.
My sewing room has three main functions. There is the desk that holds my computer that I use to blog and surf the internet at. Then there is my sewing table, which is adjacent to the computer where my Janome 8900QCP sewing machine and my BabyLock Imagine serger sits with a lot of stuff to help with the sewing process. I probably should store these notions better but I like having them handy, especially since my machines face a wall. A wall that I’ve decorated with sewing art, most of which has been gifted to me. Continuing around the room is my cutting table which is one of those Joann’s tables that’s set on top of Ikea steel drawers. Finally, one more turn reveals the notions storage in plastic shelving, my TV set & DVD player sit on steel shelves which also houses my sewing books, movies and sewing DVDs as well as some patterns. I call this the entertainment section of the sewing cave.

Sewing room full view

By the TV
What is your favorite part/feature of your sewing space?
My most favorite part of the sewing cave is my fabric collection which lines two walls of the cave and is sorted by color. It’s stored on shelves and covered with white shower curtains to protect it from the dust and the light. I love fabric and since fabric is what inspires me to sew, I need to have it around me and accessible. The other thing that’s really important to me is organization and storage. So the sewing cave has tons of storage in it primarily because when I come down to the cave to sew, I don’t want to have to leave to pick things up. So I stash loads of notions like zippers, thread, trims, buttons, interfacing and linings. Pins, sewing machine needles, sewing tools are all bought in bulk and stored so that I rarely run out, having plenty of time to reorder before it’s gone.

Main fabric wall

Fabric wall closed
How do you organize your fabrics, patterns and notions?
My primary storage is the black wire shelving units that store the fabric collection, patterns, magazines, books and DVDs. There’s loads of plastic shelving in the cave which holds patterns, threads and notions. Some of the plastic containers are by the shelving but a lot of it is under the sewing table and the computer desk. Then there is an old Ikea dresser that holds trims in the drawers and patterns on the top (patterns that are currently overflowing the top!) Plastic shelving holds my button collection and my Threads magazine collection also. I do have a small problem area of scraps that needs to be addressed but other than that everything has a place and I try to make sure it stays there.

Notions area

Shelving on the wall
I usually spend my weekends in the sewing cave…going down after dinner on Friday evenings, all day Saturday and Sunday. I hate when I have to turn the lights off on Sunday evenings and can’t wait to get back to it the following weekend.

View from the door

View towards the door
Check out Carolyn’s blog, Diary of a Sewing Fanatic, to see what she creates in her lovely sewing space!
Love the Sewing Spaces posts! Keep ’em coming!
I have followed your blog for some time because you are built like me. Love seeing how you sew such stylish clothing for a plus size woman. Inspires me to do some of my own. And that fabric collection! wWell, a girl can dream can’t she?
Carolyn, I look forward to your blog, I LOVE reading it! Your cave is awesome, just need a soda/snack vending machine. Super envious of your color coordinated fabric stash! Love the clothes you have made too. Till next time, Janice
Thanks Janice for your kind comments – but I think if I had space for a pattern cabinet and a mini fridge I would be set and would never come out of the sewing cave. LOL!
Love it, super cozy and as I’ve said before I get lost in the fabric collection on those shelves!
Michelle – Thank you and you don’t live that far from me, you should come by and see it for yourself!
What a great space! Room for everything to be right at hand and a wonderful wall of fabrics! I have a large closet to store things in but do my actual sewing on the dining room table. It’s sometimes frustrating because everything has to be put away then taken out again next time I want to sew. Thanks for sharing your space – now when reading your blog, I’ll have a “face” to go with a “name”.
Cathy – I’ve sewn in the living room, my bedroom and the dining room table when I was younger and lived at home with my parents so I understand. I moved here knowing that I would turn the basement into a sewing cave especially since it was already finished. I set it up to house and reflect everything I’ve always wanted in a sewing room.
Fantastic sewing cave. Very well organized. I need a bigger space and envious of how much room you have Carolyn!
Linda – I don’t think my sewing room is much bigger than yours. I think it’s just configured differently since mine is a basement room.
I like the way you’ve organized your sewing room. I’m envious. I don’t have a room -just the living and dining room and my bedroom holds my material in a big cedar trunk. You are lucky indeed!
Thanks Bonnie! You are so right I am lucky and thankful for my sewing cave!
Wonderful look at your digs! I love reading your blog. Your work is awesome, you look so professional when you model your new creations.
I have some fabric put away and yes my husband does have a problem with it but I explain it’s sort of like tools for me. He has tools everywhere. He usually simmers down when I put it that way. I do have a bajillion patterns. It’s like candy to me. I have a big filing cabinet full of them and I keep them organized (dresses, tops, coats, sleepwear) but how many do I really need? I love to look through them, sort of reminds me of paper dolls. I dream of future sewing projects as I go through them. The best ones are from the 1960’s an 1970’s, the ones my mom and aunt taught me how to sew on. And the ones we bought but never did cut out. They bring back so many memories.
Thanks for liking my sewing cave and I’m glad that it brought back wonderful memories.
I love your sewing cave. Mine sewing room is in basement also. It is my leave me alone get away. Not fancy but it is all my space to do as I like. And no worries about others moving or touching my in process creations. Thank you for sharing your wonderful space
I love having my space in the basement too and agree with you on allowing me to get away. Glad yours works for you too!
I love your craft cave! I wish mine was more efficiently organized. I love how your fabric is stored on shelving with the curtain. Where are those wire shelves from?
Thanks! I bought my wire shelving from Home Depot, making sure to buy the shelving in the same color.
Carolyn, your blog is truly one of my favorites. Thank you so much for showing you “cave” it is really nice to see others have such a statch, I have even more now that my one fabric store is closing.
Colleen – thank you what a sweet thing to say! I know that everyone always says there will be more fabric but I have seen enough fabric stores close and not be replaced in my lifetime to always experience a tinge of fear when one closes down. I like knowing that I have a surplus to sew from come what may!
We have almost the same machines! I have an Elna Excellence 740 which is almost identical to the Janome 7700Q and I just bought an Imagine (and luxuries of luxuries the Babylock Coverstitch!) and I so love these little Babylocks I think in the future I would look at their sewing machines more closely as well. I must say I envy you your very own sewing cave! Mine is the front area (facing the window) of my rather large living room but it means I must tidy up after a few hours of sewing. Otherwise the living room looks like a cyclone hit it. Your stash of fabric – now that’s something I will definitely drag my husband to the cpu to see. He is always complaining about how much fabric “do you need”?? and I don’t have anywhere NEAR as much as you 🙂 What a joy to have such choice to peruse when the sewing spirit strikes! Congratulations on creating such a joyful place to be for yourself!
PsychicSewerKathleen – LOL at showing your husband. I get that alot and I’m happy to be the example to prove that you don’t really have that much! I’m in love with Babylocks too – both sewing machines and sergers…but if I had to upgrade my sewing machine I would probably buy another Janome just because I like some of its cool features. However, I will ONLY buy Babylock sergers. I love mine that much!
BTW, I have sewn everywhere. In my bedroom, in the living room and in a dedicated sewing room – sometimes you just have to make things work!
Wow, I’ve never seen so much fabric that wasn’t in a shop! You must have enough to make clothes for years and years.
halesmoore – I’ve definitely reached SABLE! But since I sew for not only myself but others in my family too, there is plenty of resources there.
I love spending time in your cave! Need to figure out if I can get out there this year to do it again. What’s really on your cutting table for this weekend?
Tanya – loving this glimpse into other people’s hobbies and homes! Great series – thank you. g
Gaylen – yes we have to make that happen! My cutting table has two things on it right now. The reversible vest and a skirt from the fabric we both love so much.
What a wonderful space – I love your shelves full of fabric! What you said about keeping a large stock of notions on hand is a great idea, it’s awesome that you have the space to store all of them.
Ahhh! All the fabric! I’m so envious of your stash! Thanks for sharing!
I do love fabric and that’s why it’s a prime component in my sewing room!
What a wonderful sewing space! Aren’t you ever losing track of time during your weekend sewing marathons? I think I would completely forget to eat or sleep 😉 Almost weekend now, happy sewing Carolyn!
The TV keeps me company so I do have a sense of time BUT I do need to add a clock…especially for midnight sewing when I do seem to lose track of time. I know I’m thrilled it’s Friday because I can’t wait to get to my sewing cave! I hope you have a wonderful sewing weekend too!
Oh boy what a gorgeous room! What will I do to visit and admire Carolyn’s sewing cave; better than visiting Disney World!
Carla Lissa – visitors are welcome to the sewing cave! Just let me know when you want to visit! *smile*
“Sew” nice of you to invite us into your haven. I am amused to see that you have similar storage and “stuff” to what you will find if you entered my sewing room. The difference is that mine also doubles as the laundry room, and it is on a below ground level floor so that I get direct sunlight, but the windows are about 5 feet from the floor and the full width of the room. Now if I could only open them, but it snowed again today..
Pam – I’ve moved around a lot and before now always lived in an apartment so my sewing room had to be portable and not permanent. My one wish is to have a professionally designed sewing room with built ins and amazing lighting. Add in a mini fridge and a microwave and I would never leave my sewing cave! *LOL*
Reading your comment – I have to tell you – a couple of weeks ago when walking Beau there was a micro-fridge on the corner. yep – exactly what it sounds like a microwave built onto the top of a mini-fridge. I told JB you would DIE for that in my sewing space. He said we should take it home and make Miss Carolyn happy. 😀 (we left it – it was gone within a few hours!!) g