Editor’s note: Several discussions have come up in the Facebook group lately about how fun it would be to have a holiday sewing challenge… and we’re thrilled that group member Kat has stepped up to organise it!
You are cordially invited to A Very Curvy Sewing Celebration!
The Curvy Sewing Collective Community is like no other Facebook group I’ve ever found. It’s inspirational. It’s welcoming. It’s JOYFUL. I would like to celebrate that with all of you by having a giant party!
The theme of the party is “Fabulous, Fun and Fearless”.
Here is the excuse you have been waiting for!!! Everyone who has ever said “Oh, I’d love to make this dress/jacket/blouse/skirt but I have nowhere to wear it”, this is your chance!!! Pick your dream pattern. Splash out and buy that gorgeous bit of fabric you stroke every time you visit the fabric store or pull out that special piece of material you’ve been hoarding away in your stash. Make something that you’d never normally make for yourself. Remember to be fabulous, fun and fearless in your choices! Then on Friday, January 13th or Saturday, January 14th, 2017, get all dolled up and glamorous and take a photo to post in the event page!
Beyond that, how you party is up to you. Perhaps you’ll get in contact with another member of the Curvy Sewing Collective Community (check this map to see if you have any CSC friends nearby http://j.mp/2a2rzUs) and meet up for lunch or dinner. If going out isn’t your thing, then you could put on your favourite movie (bonus points if it has costuming you can drool over and imagine sewing) and pretend to be at an elite private screening complete with your favourite snacks and bubbly!
Remember to visit the Curvy Sewing Collective Community Facebook page throughout the weekend to chat and ooh and aah over the pictures everyone is posting. We’ll be doing a roundup on the blog of the beautiful creations shared on the event page, so if you don’t want your image used just let us know when you post your photo.
If you’re anything like me, then planning and making your outfit is at least half the fun of a party. So be sure to keep in touch on the event page, sharing ideas and questions about what you’re going to sew and how you’re going to celebrate!
- Who: You!
- What: A Very Curvy Sewing Celebration!
- When: January 13th and 14th, 2017
- Where: CSC Facebook Group (If you aren’t on FB, you can still enjoy the wrap-up post afterwards!)
- Why: Because we’re all awesome, and we deserve nice things!
- How: Sew something fabulous, fun, and fearless, and post a pic to the CSC FB group on the 13th or 14th. If you don’t want your pic in the round-up, let us know when you post it!
Not a facebook fan either (since they sell all the info to others etc.), and I’m willing to do without things that don’t come to me in email–so emial updates are great, and if they don’t happen I just do without and move on. It’s the same with some blogspot or blogger sites that don’t have emails to follow–
I don’t know why I haven’t joined the Facebook group – joining now!
Having a presence on Facebook does allow you to reach many sewers you can’t get to any other way. I’m a member of several FB sewing groups and I definitely have the impression that there are many sewers in these groups that don’t read blogs, aren’t on Instagram, and generally don’t do much online other than FB.
Also not on facebook but the map is so cool. So many sewers in the Minneapolis metro! <3
That map is great, eh? I’m loving seeing where our curvy community is! The “original” sewing map was made years ago, and was for sewists of all sizes – you can check it out here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1l_XqqOtKsztSy6XaQB7MWyxq3GU&hl=en_US&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C-123.85162249999996&z=1
How do you get to see the map? I could not access it without registering for something but couldn’t make out exactly what I would be registering *for* … so of course I didn’t.
Fair enough! Whatever it is, I’m registered for it, I guess (It’s a google map – I never had to register for anything, but I’m logging into Chrome via google, so that might be why.) so unfortunately, i can’t see the problem you are having and coach you through it! 🙂
Very odd. I use google maps a great deal and have never had to log into them,
Ugh, Facebook. I’m sure the blog post afterwards will be cool, though.
I know Facebook isn’t for everyone! 😉 It wasn’tfor ame for a few years… but it’s unrivalled for organising big groups of people in an accessible way!
I’m sorry to see the Facebook group is now starting to act as a parallel community, excluding blog readers from the fun. I just don’t want to waste my precious sewing time on cross posting or following the same discussion on different media. Am I the only one who liked the Curvy Sewing Collective better when all discussions and challenges were located on the blog?
That’s a very fair feeling! The forum never took off here the way that the Facebook group has, and realistically, it hasn’t become a place where people can get instant feedback on their fit questions, pattern choices, alterations etc. We’ve always had multiple platforms – Flickr, Instagram, the blog/website, a Facebook page, and now also a Facebook group. I’d say the discussion in each place is quite different – the FB group is almost entirely people posting mirror-selfies of their makes and asking questions, the blog is where the info happens. I don’t think one takes away from the other!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti Facebook and I’m happy to hear the FB group is so helpful for many. I just draw a line as I don’t want to spend more time on social media reading about sewing than I spend in my sewing room actually making things. So far I’ve always thought of the website/blog as ‘Curvy Sewing Central’, connecting all CSC platforms. I can’t recall any Flickr or Instagram-only challenge or party. In that light today’s announcement feels like change to me!
No Marianne, you’re not the only one. I agree entirely with your sentiments of ‘ugh, FB’.
Understandable! I will say though, we’ve had a lot of comments from women (weekly, if not daily) about how the FB group has changed their self-image and confidence, so it’s definitely here to stay! No need to everyone to be on it though – you’ll notice nothing has changed here on the blog since it started.