We here at the Curvy Sewing Collective unequivocally believe that Black Lives Matter. We strive to make this a safe space for all curvy sewists.

We recognize that the editor group has historically been rather passive in recruiting Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) voices as contributors and editors. That aspect of this blog will be changing going forward as we will be more actively recruiting and featuring BIPOC voices in all aspects, from pattern designers to contributors to open editor positions. We take the role of amplifying melanated voices seriously, and we want to use the CSC blog to celebrate curvy sewists of all colors.
Why “All Lives Matter” is racist
Racism of any sort will not be tolerated here. The phrase “All Lives Matter” will not be tolerated on the blog, on our Instagram, or in our Facebook group. Anyone expressing racist viewpoints will have their comments immediately removed, and in the case of the CSC Facebook group, you will be removed from the group without warning.
Update (11-June-2020): We’ve already had to remove several comments from this post for violating our “All Lives Matter” ban. If you’re unsure why the phrase “All Lives Matter” isn’t tolerated here, we encourage you to read up on the phrase and educate yourself:
- Why You Need to Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”
- What Black Lives Matter Means (and Why It’s Problematic to Say “All Lives Matter”): Saying that black lives matter doesn’t mean that other lives do not.
- How To Explain Why Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ Is Wrong To Someone You Care About
This comic sums things up nicely:

Black Makers Matter
In the meantime, we highly encourage you to check out @blkmakersmatter to celebrate and get involved with the black makers who are working together to bring cultural change to the sewing and crafting industries.

Support minority-owned and allied businesses
Additionally, browse through the list of minority-owned and allied sewing businesses put together by @pinkmimosabyjacinta:
Unsubscribe from our mailing list
If you wish to unsubscribe from the Curvy Sewing Collective mailing list:
- Scroll to the bottom of any emailed CSC post.
- Click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email:
- Follow the instructions to save your preferences.
Final Note
Thank you for your patience. We’re all in this together.
Interested in sharing your story? Email us at curvysewingcollective@gmail.com.
Thanks for posting the Shut up and Sew Vendor list. I much prefer spending my money in supporting small business and not big corporations. Indie owners work so hard to succeed and they deserve support, no matter what minority they are!
Black Lives Matter and have since the movement first began. Not because my family is bi-racial; but, because I have always believed that and taught my child that and acted on that. I am of German descent where one of my grandfathers was born. One thing I have found terribly sad, while rejoicing in the activism and a much, much broader acceptance and understanding of BlackLivesMatter is that anyone NEEDS to state their support on blogs and websites and social media and emails and,further, have to justify their position. To me, it seems, it should be taken for granted. It should be taken for granted that everyone supports the protesters and the protest!
Peace, Love
Thank you for standing up for what is right.
Thanks. No peace without justice and no change without equity.
Please follow through.
Defund the Police
Racial Justice Now
Thanks for this post! You have my support. I can’t wait for more content from BIPOC makers!!!!
And if ANYONE is still confused – this is a simple explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/gxyp8q/black_lives_matter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
(Moderators, please delete if you’re not a fan of this graphic, thanks)
Bravo for a wonderful posting. Great to see an organization take a stand against 400 years of injustice and in support of Blake Lives Matter. Together, invividuals and groups can make a difference.
Thank you for taking a stand on this! I would like all people to understand that Black Lives Matter and why All Lives Matter is indeed racist – and not something that anyone who has taken the time to educate themselves should support. Systemic racism is something that needs to be addressed. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for using your platform to speak up and support BIPOC and specifically stating that “All Lives Matter” is indeed racist. I’m sorry that so many white people cannot open their minds and hearts to see that the statement “Black Lives Matter” is not dismissing or disrespecting them. It is very apparent, if you take the time to do any research around what Black Americans deal with on a day to day basis, that MANY people in this country do not believe that Black lives matter as much as white lives. Thank you for promising to improve the number of BIPOC contributors to this site.
You have my continueing support. I look forward to seeing the BIPOC pattern designers from around the world.
To those who object to the banning of All lives matter all I can suggest is you educate yourselves as to why this phrase is judged as offensive.