Hi everyone!
We’re so thrilled to have had such a great reception from the sewing community: thank you so much for coming on over and getting involved! One key part of our mission is to help curvy women feel confident about themselves through the wonder that is sewing. It’s totally transformed the way that I think about my own appearance – now the clothes get changed to fit me, rather than trying to change my body to fit the clothes – and if your comments on the Myrtle giveaway are anything to go by, many of you feel the same way.
To that end, we would love to hear your stories of how sewing has given you curvy confidence. How has clothes making changed the way you see your body? What has it enabled you to do in your life? Have you been able to spread the joy of curvy confidence to others? We’d love to get your thoughts to feature in an upcoming series on curvy confidence. If you’d like to contribute, please send your story to mail@curvysewingcollective.com, together with your photo and a short bio. We can’t wait to hear from you!
This is great! I love the site, but have been saddened by many mentions of “hiding this or that body part” in posts as well as comments. I know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to love every part of her body every day, but the body shaming was triggering for me and I was becoming wary of new posts.
The most important thing I’ve seen here is a really inclusive environment where one body type isn’t held up as better than another. Thanks for that! (Not that I would expect any less from smart sewists!) I would like to think that everyone from size 0 up would feel welcome here!
As for body acceptance… uh… no big revelations here, but sewing for the body I have and getting used to taking pictures has certainly been helpful!
I wouldn’t want to be featured or anything, but I do want to say thank you for putting this website together! I’m really enjoying it and learning a lot, and I know that other people are too!!! It makes me feel so much more confident about myself to see other women who are built like me looking so beautiful in their clothes, and knowing that I can do the same for myself!!! Thank you, and I’m looking forward to reading more!