Last November, I wrote a post that has since become the most visited on Idle Fancy, by a mile. It wasn’t a floral dress, nor a fabric giveaway, but a manifesto of sorts. Sewing the Curve was twelve-hundred words of imploring the sewing community to do better, to do right by plus-sized sewists. From where I was standing, we were an overlooked, undeserved portion of the sewing community. Independent pattern companies were excluding us from their size ranges and there was a shocking lack of body diversity amongst well-publicized sewing initiatives. I was terrified that sewing was going the way of ready-to-wear fashion, separating its plus size clients into a special interest category, away from the mainstream consumer base. That not only saddened me, but enraged me. Were plus-sized women to forever be excluded from interesting designs and beautiful clothing?
Obviously, other women felt the same way. 2014 was a fantastic year for plus size sewing. We’ve made marked headway into indie pattern sizing, boosted the visibility of plus size sewing all over the internet, and–most exciting for those of us at the CSC–formed a community of like-minded, like-sized sewists at this very website. On this last day of 2014, I thought it might be heartening to take a look at some of these changes. There is still so far to go, but it’s fun to revel in our victories for a moment, don’t you think?
One of the most gratifying areas of progress this year was definitely in independent sewing patterns. My whole tirade was sparked by exclusionary size ranges in modern patterns. Well, some designers certainly heard our complaints! Earlier this year, both Colette Patterns and BlueGingerDoll Patterns dramatically increased their size ranges, moving to 54” and 50” bust measurements respectively. A few smaller companies that have launched recently, also offered slightly more expansive size ranges, like Jennifer Lauren Vintage (Bust: 45”) and Closet Case Patterns (Hip: 46”). Sure, that’s only a US18 in both cases, but it totally beats the US12 cut-off of many of their predecessors. Even better, 2014 saw the launch of a plus-size specific pattern company, Tenterhook Patterns out of Australia. Tenterhook currently has two patterns, the very cute Jacaranda Dress and Snapdragon Skirt, both of which go up to measurements of 57”-46.5”-56.25”! Now, that’s progress. Here’s hoping that next year brings more companies like these, offering chic and interesting designs for plus-sized women.
A big part of these sizing changes comes from the increased visibility of plus-sized sewists in 2014. This year, we proved that we’re not just a niche market, but a significant, vital part of the sewing community. There were plus-size blog tours, including our own Curvy Colette tour, plus-sized competitors on Project Sewn, and curvy picks in BurdaStyle’s Top 50 Sewing Bloggers poll. There are, at last count, forty-eight brilliant plus-sized blogs on our own blog roll. More and more, curvy women are setting up shop on the internet, sharing their inspiration, creativity, and talent.
My favorite plus-sized happening of 2014, however, is the launch of this very website. Over the past five months, The Curvy Sewing Collective has surpassed even our wildest expectations. Whether it’s in the forums or in blog posts, hundreds of curvy women have banded together and inspired each other, week after week. We’ve reviewed patterns, we’ve shared personal body image journeys, and we’ve proved that “plus-sized” is a vital, important part of modern sewing. We not only have a place at the table, but we are actively shaping the future of sewing. As a longtime curvy blogger, this initiative has been profoundly moving for me. Over and over, we’ve heard from women who stumble across this website and are inspired to pursue not only sewing, but body positivity. It’s my hope that 2015 will not only be a great year for plus-sized sewing, but for self-acceptance, in general. This is the website I wish had existed, when I began sewing. You are the women I wish I’d known were out there, sharing these same challenges and love of gorgeous clothes. I’m so glad we’ve all found each other here.
Happy New Year, my dear ones! How do you feel about the successes in plus-size sewing this year? Do you have any sewing or personal goals for 2015? Let’s celebrate the changes, past and future!
I have just now found your site. I just want to say thank you.
Thank you Mary . Have only just discovered this website after years of frustration trying to sew for my changing body shape. Now I can get back to my sewing in the knowledge that there is a whole community out there going through the same problems that I am, that I can call on.
My 15 year old daughter is very into sewing and got a little sewing machine for Christmas. She is plus size herself which comes with many problems for a teenage girl, but she has decided that she is going to make herself an Elsa from Frozen costume. She got the pattern (in plus size!) from Ebay and is doing a fantastic job on it!
Did you see the seamwork patterns this month?
I was so excited to see sizing that includes my measurements. And a luscious model!
Aww Mary! What a lovely post. Its true, 2014 was a great year. Thanks s much to you and the CSC gang for running this website! I love it 🙂
Thank-you, from my heart.
I have often wondered if you ladies who started the CSC (the Founding Sisters?) know how much of a profound effect you have had on so many curvy sewists and curvy bloggers. Truly without you all, first at your own blogs and later here at the CSC, I know that I would not have found my voice or the courage to post a picture of my ample derriere on the internet. We all deserve beautiful well fitting clothes. Thank you for empowering, enlightening and inspiring us! You are sewing rock stars!
We are all many different sizes at different ages, and always need sewing pals. And help. And hand holding. This is the best thing EVER, this … gang of curves! More in 2015, much much more!
I’m not plus sized but I am curvy – classic Marilyn Monroe curvy. And petite. Talk about having a hard time shopping for clothes. They are either too long, too wide, too tight up top, gape on the bottom or at the back, etc, etc,
I’ve sewn clothing before (but it’s been awhile) but the patterns offered by the big companies never seemed to work right. I’ve always wanted to sew better fitting clothes or at least be able to adjust my ready to wear ones. The CSC gave me that boost of sewing confidence to do just that. So Thank You!
Congratulations on a great year for your site. I love reading it even though I am rectangle/stocky rather than curvaceous. You are all an inspiration.
I remember reading that post of yours a year ago and wondering if it was likely to change in the near future – and just look at how much was achieved in 2014! Here’s for an even better 2015
I just want to say thanks for the Curvy Sewing Collective. I hadn’t sewn since I was in high school (I’m now 40) but I love fashion and was sick of all the same-same stuff in plus size stores here in Australia. When I found this site and discovered there a lots of other curvy women out there with the same frustrations and taking control of their wardrobes by make their own clothes it gave me the inspiration to do the same. I’m still just a beginner but I’m loving it! I had no idea there was so much out there as far as patterns and fabrics. With ready made clothing being so cheap these days (compared to when my mother was young) I figured home dressmaking was becoming a lost art. Thanks for proving that to be untrue! Looking forward to more inspiration for you guys throughout 2015. V. (Sydney, Australia)
Thank you! You should all be very proud! At almost 58 yrs. old (in little over 3 weeks), and always having been “curvy” (when I was younger they called me “Rubenesque”). Going into the 8th grade I was wearing a D cup at 36 inches in band size, clothes were impossible to find, so I sewed. You have all re-inspired me. Nothing has changed for curvy women in 44 years, not in ready made clothes especially. So rather than give the companies who make clothes the money, make your own. I believe the “Curvy Girls of the World” who start sewing for themselves will send a huge message to the pre-made manufacturers. Besides sewing is so much more relaxing for me anyways. Mary be proud and stand tall for this blog. I wish it had existed 40 yrs. ago.
Very well said, Mary! I am so thankful to have discovered the CSC and this lovely community. It is so wonderful to have a place where everyone is supportive and helpful – it certainly makes the journey to body positivity easier. I’m still pretty new to sewing my own clothes (that fit at least!) and blogging, but I can already see how much has changed this year for plus sized sewing and what a difference it is making in my life. I can’t wait to see where 2015 takes us! Hooray for the power of community!!
Wonderfully written, as always! Here here to all that you wrote! Long live the love of the curve!
I love the advent of the CSC in 2014. So many more pattern opportunities and such a lovely community to be inspired by. There’s a weird triumph in even just discovering a platform for community that’s been created deftly and with such individual personality, and to feel you fit in so well. Thank you girls for sharing your gorgeous makes and selves!
Thank you for the inspiration from the CSC and this post. I will spend the day looking at these patterns and planning my 2015 sewing. I hope that those that comment also put their links in so that we can find them online. I joined a Ready to Wear Fast in 2014 via Goodbye Valentino and went the whole year without buying anything! I learned that I love clothes that fit and fit my personality so much more than what is in the store so that I am going to continue to sew as much as I can. Your posts are so informative and educational and are really a huge help. Thank you so much!!! And I love the pictures you used in this post – pure joy!!
Great post, Mary! CSC has become a wonderful and inspiring group, you guys did very well starting this community. Thanks!
Aw, it’s Hilda. She’s adorable. : )
I am sososososos happy about this!!! I run a sew along Facebook group for curvy girls and we are so excited about all the new independent designers with some knowledge of what we want that have started!!! Love it!! Thank you for being a part of it all!!!
My goal is to sew, sew, sew, and blog much more on my sewing blog. I have learned more about fitting my body, especially my ample bust. As my sister said to me when I commented that my bust looks enormous in my newest creation – if you’ve got them, you may as well show them off. I now know that fit is so important if you have curves. I would love to find several great dress patterns, fit them perfectly, then go wild with the variations. I’m really excited about the journey.
I resolve to finish things in 2015. To work more from stash before buying. To document my makes. I spend way too much time making thing and not taking pictures or writing down my thoughts. I’m working on my first post as we speak.
Great post. It has been a great year for us curvy sewers hasn’t it?
My aim for this year is to work on more on fit, and identifying size correctly! It’s tough for those of us who are several sizes different between top and bottom. I am also going to review the patterns that I use much more thoroughly on my blog. I don’t know how many fellow plus sized sewers read my blog (probably none!) but at least the information is there for my own use.
My resolution for 2015 is to launch my indie design business – “Boho Banjo art to wear” and really work at it hard all year to try to make it a success. It was my frustration at not being able to find arty and creative clothes in the plus size range that inspired me to design the clothes I want to wear. Information about my first design “Zelda” is on my blog, The pattern will be for sale from January 5th and many more designs to follow after that! Peace, love and goodwill – may 2015 be everybodys most creative year ever!
I”m tearing up! What an enormous difference there is between now and this time last year – it’s hard to believe. I’m so thrilled with what the CSC has become, and also all the other trends in the plus size sewing world. YAY EVERYONE!
Great post, Mary! When I first started sewing (and blogging about sewing) I searched high and low for plus size sewing bloggers, which is why I also contribute my voice. I love seeing the confidence born from being able to sew your own clothes to fit you instead of conforming to RTW sizing! Go us!!! <3