Pattern Name
Size range (with measurements)
SBCC patterns are drafted for a woman of 5’4″ (162.5 cm) and under, with 5’1″ (155 cm) used as the base height for drafting all sizes. The Limoncello Cardigan comes in sizes XXS (32″ / 82 cm bust) through 3X (56 1/2″ / 143.5 cm bust). As you can see, the waist and hips on this pattern are free flowing and no measurements are given. The plus range is based on a separately drafted block.
What size did you make?
I made a 1X, which is drafted for a 48.5″ bust. In hindsight, I could have done down a size, but I do think this fits fine as is.
What are your measurements, height, and body type?
I made this cardigan a few years ago and I can’t remember exactly what my measurements were then. When I took these photos for this post, my measurements were as follows:
Bust: 45″, approximately a C cup
Waist: 41″
Hips: 52″
Height: I am 5’7″ tall, but most of my height is in my legs and I am actually very short waisted. I often have to raise bust darts and shorten tops, which is why I was attracted to trying a SBCC pattern. I think I can actually be considered “petite” from the waist up.
What adjustments did you make and how long did they take?
This pattern is drafted with short sleeves and designed to be a topper over summer dresses. In my climate, I don’t have much use for a short sleeved cardigan, so I lengthened the sleeves to hit at a 3/4 length and added a band. This was a super simple alteration that I made while cutting the pattern. I also used a striped fabric and played with stripe direction, which always adds bit of time to any project.
What fabric did you use?
This is a striped sweater knit of mysterious stash origins. To be honest, its not very high quality and you can tell that it is a little stretched out a distorted.
What was the construction process like? Did the instructions make sense to you?
Like most (all?) SBCC patterns, the instructions were very brief. In fact, they fit on one page of paper. I found them to be very well thought out and they result in a clean and professional finish. I sewed this early on in my knit sewing journey, and I learned a few new techniques for finishing knits that I have used since.
I found the whole pattern to be very cleverly drafted, with lots of attention to detail. The front pieces are lined in self fabric so that they look nice when hanging open. The drapey bits fit nicely into a shaped princess seam so that you don’t have a double layer of fabric on the whole front half of the cardigan. There is no visible hemming or seams when the cardigan hangs open, which I think is a really nice touch.
How do you like the pattern’s fit? Do you think the design works well for your particular body shape?
I really like the shape of this cardigan! I am so glad I tried out SBCC patterns and I think I need to give more of their tops a try. Though there was minimal shaping in this pattern, I think everything is hitting me in the right places. I’d like to give one of their woven tops a try, it would be nice to not have to adjust bust darts and length, and maybe using a pattern designed for petites would also fix the neckline gaping issues I normally have.
Will you make the pattern again? If so, what fit or design changes will you make?
Definitely! I made a second version of this pattern that was banished to the UFO pile due to poor fabric choice on my part. I need to revisit it because it is one of those rare cardigans that works with both pants and dresses.
Do you have any advice on this pattern for other curvy sewers? Are there any resources (blog posts, fitting books, tutorials) that helped you sew this piece up?
If you are petite and curvy, SBCC patterns are probably going to be a great fit for you! That said, with their limited directions, they aren’t designed for the total beginner. As long as you have completed a few knit projects, you will probably be ready to give this pattern a try.
Overall pattern rating
Size Range (1-5): 4.5 — SBCC has one of the better size ranges in the Indie pattern community, with this pattern going up to a 56.5″ bust. However, its designed for petites so it may require more fitting for someone that doesn’t fit that category.
Instructions (1-5): 2.5 — The instructions are well thought out and clear, but brief. This pattern is not for a total beginner, but if you have made a few knit projects you will probably be fine.
Construction Process (1-5): 5 —The construction of this cardigan was clever and resulted in a very nice finish.
Final Fit (1-5): 5 — I love how this pattern fits me. I wish I had used a higher quality knit, but I guess there is always next time!
Overall Rating (1-5) + Explanation: 4.25 — Most of the points were deducted for the brief instructions. If you are in the size range and an advanced beginner, I think you will find this pattern to be a 5/5!
I am 5’5”, and short waisted like you, and the SBCC Gibson blouse is one of my favorite patterns! I didn’t even need adjustements, it fits just right as it is. I really like the cardigan you made, makes me want to try it.
I really love her blouse patterns, I need to try some of them!
Love it! I’m going to make one for my daughter! Thanx for sharing! :o)
Thanks so much! I hope she likes it!
What a great review!! There are many draped cardigan patterns on the market, and it is impossible to tell from the line drawing what will be necessary in the way of edge finishing. I had totally discounted this pattern due to the short sleeves, but a conversation to long sleeves “on the fly” vouched for on another sewer brings it back into consideration. And then, the big reveal – TA DA – don’t have to turn under and stitch around the edges of the drapey front, because it is SELF LINED. NO THAT SELLS THIS PATTERN. SOLD SOLD SOLD !!! Thanks SO MUCH for this invaluable review!
hahaha!! You are so right. I really think the fact that there isn’t any visible seaming on that front piece really MAKES the pattern! I hope it works for you.
I always overlook SBCC patterns, which is ridiculous because I’m 5’3″ and have to shorten everything all the time! I had never seen this cardigan before, but I’m totally sold on it now. Not only does it look fantastic on you (and our measurements are very close, even though I’m much shorter), but it’s a dead ringer for a RTW cardigan that I’ve worn to shreds. I was going to trace it off, but I think the finish on the front drape is actually better on this cardigan.
Thanks so much for posting this!
I hope you give it a try and like it! I’m seriously impressed with the pattern, so much attention to detail. I really need to try some more SBCC patterns!