We’ve had many questions recently about our website and confusion regarding subscribing, commenting on posts and logging into the forum. With this post, we hope to help those in our community navigate our site.
Subscribing to the Curvy Sewing Collective
The easiest way to keep up with CSC posts is to subscribe. We have two options in the sidebar: 1) Subscribe by email address and 2) Subscribe via Bloglovin’.
The email subscription via our site is an automated system through WordPress. If you have problems with this service, contact us at: admin@curvysewingcollective.com and we may be able to manually add you as you as a subscriber. If you have a WP account and are signed in, you will also see a “Follow” button on the top menu which allows you to follow via the WP reader.
Bloglovin’ is a blog reader and when you click on the Bloglovin’ button, it will take you to another page where you can set up a Bloglovin’ account if you don’t already have one and follow the CSC.
In addition to these subscription methods, you can also follow with a reader via our RSS feed.
Many readers have had issues regarding our commenting system. We originally used the WordPress commenting system and had many problems with it and decided to use Disqus to handle our comments. We have had much success with Disqus and few problems.
To start, you will need to log in to the Disqus system, which is on the upper right above the comment box.
Disqus gives you options to sign in with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or to set up an account with Disqus.
By clicking the question mark in the Disqus box you can read what Disqus is about.
If you have a Disqus account, just click the Login button and sign in.
Some readers want to comment anonymously and dislike using their email address to set up an account. Unfortunately, you cannot comment anonymously and without signing in on Disqus. If you are concerned about online identity, I would suggest setting up another email account to use for situations like this.
After you have registered with Disqus, you can go on to the Disqus site and edit your profile.
Some readers prefer commenting through our Forum or by emailing either the CSC or the writer of the post.
Participating in the Curvy Forum
If you aren’t aware, we have an active forum which can be reached either by clicking on the menu bar under our banner….
…. or by clicking the large button on the sidebar. In addition to a link to the forum, the sidebar also features links to contacting us via email and connecting with us on Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest and Twitter.
Also on the sidebar is a login box for the forum. If you have an account, you can simply sign in, if not, you can register for the site. This is an automated system through WordPress. If you have problems with this, contact us at: admin@curvysewingcollective.com and we will attempt to set you up manually.
In addition to the forum login on the sidebar, you can also login and register for the forum on the forum page.
This link will take you to another page which allows you to login to the site. If you have previously set up an account to use the forum as a participant, you will be able to sign in here. This is also the same page that CSC contributors use to log in to their accounts.
The forum uses the WordPress platform and grabs avatar photos from Gravatar using your email address, so if you wish to add or change your photo, go to the Gravatar site and either set up or amend your profile.
We also have a CSC group on Flickr, where members of our community share their sewing adventures. We post photos once a month on the CSC site of our curvy fashions.
There are two ways to reach our Flickr page and both are on our sidebar. The first is through the Flickr button…..
….and the second is through a graphic button further on down the sidebar.
Each link will take you a Flickr page that tells you how to join our Flickr group. The CSC Flickr group is a private group, so it’s a little more difficult to join as you will need to send an email to request an invitation. We made this group private as to give our members the ability to share photos and keep them private within the group.
If you have any questions, please email us at: admin@curvysewingcollective.com
I still can’t work out how to read all the posts. Theres no “Older Posts” button like all the other blog-style sites I visit!
If you look over to the right on the sidebar there is a dropdown menu with the title: “Archives”. There you will find every post on the CSC separated by each month.
Oooh! I didn’t realize there was a forum! Thanks for the tip (and maybe I should actually read the webpage… doh!) :^)
I didn’t either!
If you want to follow several blogs in one place, I highly recommend Feedly. There you can subscribe to basically everything with an RSS-feed and sort them in to different categories (like Sewing, Knitting, Crafting, News, etc.). It’s amazing! Now I just have to visit a site when there is a new post. 🙂
Here’s a quick introduction!
Thanks for an amazing site!