Hello, readers! I’m happy to welcome you to a new series on the CSC. We’ll be journeying into the sewing spaces of sewists within our community. It’s time to be inspired!
For our first post in this series, we’re taking a peek at gMarie’s sewing room.
Tell us a little about your sewing space.
I sew in the basement. We have a walk out basement, with a slider and 2 large windows! I’ve taken over the entire basement – there is a 16×20 room and a 14×16 bedroom/den. We took the doors off the bedroom/den space and my fabric is stored in the closet at the back of that room. The room contains our workout equipment – which needs to be listed on Craigslist – soonish as it doesn’t get used. Then the main room – the sewing takes up half – in a traditional 3 point layout. Sewing machines at the end facing the slider – with a tv on the wall next to it. Ironing board in front of a window and the cutting table directly across facing the wall and under the lights. There is enough space in the middle for 2 people to work together in the space – although it works best if people are doing different tasks at the same time. At some point I plan to have a craftsy class party at my house where we can watch a course we’ve all purchased and then help each other work through drafting, sewing etc. I just need to plan it!

View from the hallway
What is your favorite part/feature of your sewing space?
My favorite part of the sewing space is how everything is spread out – but still accessible.

Fabric storage
How do you organize your fabrics, patterns and notions?
My fabric is organized very similar to Carolyn’s – in fact, inspired by hers. I sort by print/solid which is different I think. The prints are all sorted by type – knits, quilting cottons, stretch sateen, challis – are each together. The solids are grouped by color and then sorted by woven/knit within the color group. My patterns are not very sorted and could use more help. I’ll be looking for ideas during this series! Currently – they are sorted by the garment type and stored on a little shelve between the chairs in the basement. (The chairs are for the dog! and I put blankets in them when I have company.) The majority of the patterns are dresses, with skirts then tops. I’m starting a little collection of kids patterns and maternity – in hopes of needing them soon-ish 😉 I also have a basket on my cutting table of the patterns I want to get to soonish and then a little wire basket on the floating shelves of TNT patterns. There are just a handful in there – I need to work on filling that baby up! Notions are mostly in decorative containers. I have some tin baskets – one on top of an old entertainment center and one sits on my cutting table – they contain zippers and new buttons bought for specific patterns. Left over buttons are sorted by color and stored in tiny glass jars.

View from the sewing desk
What is your favorite thing to sew?
My favorite thing to sew is really dresses. They are so easy to wear. I do wish I had more dressy tops and would like to try jeans and outwear soon. But with my limited sewing time – I like to actually make something that will get worn outside the house vs. multiple muslins to work out fitting issues.

Check out gMarie’s blog to see what she creates in her lovely sewing space!
what a lovely space! My craft room was a gift to myself after failed fertility treatment and putting it together was very healing for me. I only have space for a small desk so often put the sewing machine on the dining table for a bit more room. I had shelves like yours for my stash but I put in a wall of Ikea Algot storage so all my fabric and patterns etc are in drawers sorted by colour/type. I also put in double glazing for extra quiet. It’s my bliss place, I would love a bit more room for a cutting table though!
I love the idea of the cubbies. I’m happy your craft room is so healing – I’m sorry to hear about the failed fertility. I hope you continue to find peace and bliss in your space. g
What a wonderful sewing space! I love how you can walk into the garden when things get frustrating 🙂 Do you also get the best ideas about your sewing projects while gardening?
Marianne – I actually strongly dislike gardening. I will do it – but usually under protest. I do however, like having super fresh veggies to eat, so . . . .g
I store my patterns in half-size file boxes. I don’t think they make those anymore, but they do make comic book boxes, which you can get in the perfect size for patterns. Just look around for them, they’re a great way to keep them organized (you can do a box per style) and looking neat!
Thanks for the suggestion – I did a little in-depth on my blog last night – showing storage – including the patterns. I like that what I have is pretty. 🙂 g
Love your Sewing space gMarie, and I am serious impressed with your stash. That is something that I must get to grips with. I am also interested in how others organise their patterns. Mine are currently in fabric boxes, they are organised, sort of, but the storage is not ideal
I do need better pattern storage so I quite buying multiples and losing them. What I have is pretty – but not incredibly practical.
My stash – UGH – it can be too much at times. I can honestly say that each piece of fabric was bought with a particular project in mind – whether I ever get to them or not is a completely different story!! g
hmmm I used to do that frequently, buying duplicate patterns. I ended up getting an ap on my phone that itemises all the patterns that I have that I have found very useful. Only problem is, since I upgraded my phone, I have managed to lose the contents of my ap, so Im going to have to put them all in again, which took ages!
Talking about duplicates and stashes, I have bought fabric for a particular pattern then found that I have already have 3 different fabrics for said pattern waiting to be made up. Now, if I could only have a year long holiday (on full pay of course) 🙂
I love Gaylen’s space as much as I love my own sewing room. It has a homey feel to it but yet you feel as if you could sew anything in it…and the natural light is TDF! Mine is truly a cave where her’s has space and light! Oh and she didn’t tell you about the amazing cutting table her husband made her! That alone is worth visiting her sewing room
Dang – I’m doing an update on my blog and didn’t highlight the table – guess there will be a part 3 . . . . g
Love your sewing space!
Thanks Linda!! g
Love your sewing space! Like Michelle, I am lucky enough to have seen it in person too. I have thought of your space several times as I plan the layout of mine. You have made a space that is great for comfort AND productivity! And your stash is so nicely organized.
Ah thanks Miss Megan! The furniture is a collection of yard sale finds. And the fabric storage is based on Carolyn’s. Let me know if you need any help 🙂 g
Beautiful, spacious and SO organized. Thank you for sharing your space with us…I would LOVE to join your Craftsy group (I’m also a big Craftsy fan) but alas I’m just too far away – Victoria BC Canada 🙂
Well Kathlee – if you ever get down to Seattle – it’s not that far ya know . . . .
Oh – and don’t let the photos fool you – it’s not always so organized! g
I will keep that in mind for sure! You’re absolutely right 🙂 We’re practically neighbours!
WOW! What a nice space! I feel like mine it nearly the other end of the spectrum. Hope there will be a whole range of spaces. But dang, this is glorious!
Ah thanks! I sometimes wish I had matching furniture and yadda yadda – but honestly – I’m happy to just have a space to call my own! I’ve sewn all over the house in the past – including in the bedroom as that was the only place. Always on office furniture though. And I did clean it up for this!! g
Thanks for sharing Gina! Love your sewing space!! <3
Awww – Mrs. Smith – thank you! gMarie
I am going to like this series A LOT!!! GMarie your sewing space looks fabulous and you have a SERIOUS stash! I also liked the little peek of your garden, I’m going over to your blog now to see if I can see more of it over your shoulder, looks very lush.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sandi – thanks! I’ll have to get out and take some around the yard photos. Sadly – what can be seen through the sewing room windows is dirt – that’s where the dog plays. The rest of the yard – we’ll I’m gonna have to do some gardening this year because my gardener (husband) will be out of commission all summer 🙁 gMarie
There garden and deck are amazing! She should take more pictures in it because it would make a stunning background. AND yes I’m gushing!
I think I’ve seen photos before, but I’ll say again that this is such a nice space! I wish I could come to your craftsy party, Gmarie 😉
I, too, would love to attend a Craftsy party!!!! 🙂
As I said to Megan – come on up! I think it would be big fun. g
I have a wedding to attend this fall in that area, maybe we can work something out…
Megan – come on up!! I have a spare room – first come can stay in it ; ) g
I have seen gMarie’s sewing space in person, and it is as glorious as it comes across in this post. Thanks for sharing this with everyone!
Ah thanks Michelle – the space was giving me fits this weekend. Oh wait – it wasn’t the space – it was the person in it. I was having trouble sewing. GAH! g