Growing up, my body was the mysterious size between an extra large and a 1X in the plus size
store. With the plus size designs strongly resembling muumuus and tents at that time, I
desperately wanted to fit into the extra large designs. Every day clothing was a struggle and I
often wore flannel shirts, jeans or overalls. I also played two sports and got away with wearing
team t-shirts and jerseys.
My first exposure to tailored clothes as a plus size person came when I was in high school. My
mother is a wearable clothing artist so when it came time for homecoming and prom, my mother made my dresses. I remember picking out the color of my dresses, but everything else was her decision. We would head to the fabric store and she would pick out a pattern. I watched her cut out the dress on our living room floor and sew late into the night. I became proficient at wiggling out of dresses with pins in them. Yet my mother’s process seemed so intuitive that I didn’t feel it was something I could learn myself.
When I learned to quilt in my thirties, I thought back to those days when my Mom made my dresses. I knew no one would have a dress just like mine and they fit me perfectly. (FIND HOMECOMING PICTURE!) Could I translate my one dimensional sewing skills into three dimensional objects?
Some of my favorite quilting cotton designers like Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner and the Cotton and Steel designers were adding garment substrates to their collections. Inspired to make something in my favorite modern designs, I decided to leap into the world of three dimensional sewing and made both an ill fitting tank top and a bag in one month’s time.
Frustrated with trying to fit the tank to my body, I explored bag making instead. Thinking back on that decision, I see how it was the perfect, non stressful way to start making three dimensional objects. I learned how darts can create curves, the differences and importance of interfacing, and how different fabrics created different wearable experiences.
After several bag making successes, I decided to try garment making again. This time, I decided to take a class with Christine Haynes. I felt in person instruction would make it less “scary” and having someone help me fit something to my body would be better than using a generic pattern. Not only was I right to start out in Christine’s class, it also began a series of important lessons.
Assuming I needed to bring my own fabric, I brought unwashed quilting cotton for my muslin. Since I don’t prewash the fabrics I use for quilting, I didn’t think about prewashing them for clothes. Also, I was used to sewing quilted cottons that I hadn’t considered buying a different (and probably more flattering) garment substrate. I was saving my “precious” garment substrates for when I knew more about garment sewing. I created a wearable garment in class but it immediately shrank to a smaller unwearable size that didn’t look flattering on my body.
With the success of a fitting garment, I was starting to see how my quilting sewing skills came in handy. Reading through pattern instructions, I often found ways to chain piece/sew pieces and make construction go faster. Having made yards and yards binding for my quilts, the concept of bias binding wasn’t challenging.
Yet other garment sewing skills mystified me. I remember being in Christine’s class and wondering why you would sew a 5/8” seam allowance and then cut it down? Quilters use a 1/4” seam allowance and sometimes push it to 1/8” when something isn’t going to be washed or used long term. A 5/8” seam allowance seemed huge! Quilting also requires close to perfection for sewing perfectly matched patchwork points.
Garment sewing can be more about intuition and trying different techniques when working on fit. Does it not fit right on my body even though that is what it says on the pattern? The pattern may say to add length in a certain spot but is that the same spot as on my body? Since every body is different and fabric can have a mind of its own, those are not factors when making a quilt. You are usually using quilting cottons with the quilt math producing reliable results.
Eventually, I felt I couldn’t go farther learning about garment sewing online. There are great resources online but it’s not in my personality to learn best that way. I tried a large local sewing class but didn’t have the proper time to devote to it. I came back around to the idea of needing personal instruction. I looked at the American Sewing Guild website and emailed one of their local instructors. During our phone interview, I told her I wanted to focus on fit and build up a foundational garment sewing skill set. We have had six lessons so far and I have learned more than I could have imagined. I have measurements of almost every part of my body and its proximity to other parts. I understand where bust darts are supposed to be in a garment. My large arm bicep adjustment reflects my actual bicep measurements. I made a button hole placket and sewed my buttons on using my machine.
Sandi’s Three’s a Charm Jacket
With every successful accomplishment in the garment making process, I’m grateful for the long path it took me to get here. While I would have hurriedly sewn garments in the past, I am now taking my time to build a deeper understanding for the process. No longer settling for “good enough”, my seams look more professional and garments look made for me. My amazing teacher patiently answers all of my “why” questions and I can troubleshoot better when pattern instructions are deficient. Those quilting skills have come in handy and I no longer expect perfection. I find I’m a better quilter and garment maker because I’ve pushed myself to learn more.
Ah, the lure of sewing…anything! Congrats on trying a new and practical skill of 3D sewing. I like your persistence! The secret of making garments fit and flatter (also to be comfortable) is to have either a partner to help pin and fit or, a perfect reproduction of your own body to work with Unfortunately, most “dress forms” have adjustments but not in the right places.. Have you tried making a “duct tape dummy”? You still need a helper to construct this, but once it is complete, you have a reproduction of your personal curves to work from.
I have that same belt!
I love your style and sensibility using quilting cottons as part of your wardrobe. Each look in these photos is so well thought out, the fit is great, and you look confident in yourself. I know these are best efforts, but wow. I have been sewing garments for 40 years and I’m still trying.
Haven’t quilted though, the precision and straight lines, and the flatness and lack of texture to the cottons, plus the endless variations and color/print choices just overwhelm me, So your crossover impresses me.
Congrats! Everything looks great.
Fabulous work! Your path is making me wonder, should I take a detour into quilting to practice slowing down and making things precise and perfect…
This was a great post! I keep trying to encourage my mom’s chapter of the Sewing Guild to reach out to the quilters. Of course, a lot of them don’t sew very many garments anymore anyway… Kudos to you!
Sandi, you are truly inspiring. I love how you have persevered to construct garments, that are just right for you.
I think you jacket is fantastic.
Much Power to you
Great fabrics, especially that Staple dress, which you look great in! I have a couple of Three’s a Charm jackets, they’re so easy and versatile! I love the “mustard” family of yellow.
So nice to “meet” you! I’m excited to follow your blog. In the 90s after 20 years of sewing I decided to learn to quilt! I made 1 quilt. I made it for my sweet mom. In the end I hated quilting! The perfection drove me absolutely craaaazy!
I love your quilts, you are very talented! I can see you are an absolutely amazing seamstress already! I’m envious! I think your Mother’s talents have rubbed off on you! ;o)
There was no one who “sewed” in my family. Other than my maternal Grandmother who was like a tailor sewing clothes exactly like the pattern. And only sewing what was needed to wear. I never dreamed sewing could be so creative OR so much fun!
Lovely clothing, and well fitting. I used t sew clothes and switched to quilts and am now exploring clothing making again. Great story. I love your choice of fabrics.
You learned your lessons well. It is always a wonderful feeling when you are wearing something that fits well. Thanks for the plug for the American Sewing Guild (ASG). I’ve belonged for over 10 years and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow sewists. It is through ASG I found local sewing schools, had national educators come to our group to teach and have a place to show and tell where others truly understood all the effort and challenges of a project.
Your me-made clothing fit you so well and are so flattering. I’m sure you feel like a million bucks going about your day to day life. Thanks for the enumerating the skills of a sewist and a quilter.
Wow! Your journey has certainly produced some beautiful, well-fitting garments. You are encouraging me to learn to fit my body better, as it makes a world of difference in the final look.
Sandi I’ve been listening to your podcast for a while now and always enjoy it thoroughly! This post was so typical of you 🙂 Detailed, organized and steady at the helm you have determinedly (and successfully!) arrived at making your own clothes! Love your (linen?) jacket and dress. I love that you went for private lessons in person (great advice for the new sewist) – now you can say you can sew anything 🙂 Thank you for sharing your experience and learning.
Really lovely and flattering collection of garments.